A practical course
Do well by doing good.
This is not your ordinary business training. Not only will you learn regenerative concepts, but you will actively create a blueprint for change – in your business, and in the world.
Click on the video below to meet your instructors:
What You Will Learn:
Module 1: Profitability With Purpose
- Create a map of your business - where you are and where you want to go
- Identify the gaps between your current reality and your vision
- Analyze the areas where you can make a positive impact
Module 2: Regeneration and Resiliency
- Explore strategies for creating a regenerative business
- Identify challenges in implementing regenerative strategies
- Assess real life case studies of successful regenerative businesses
Module 3: Tools for Problem Solving
- Discover how becoming regenerative can make you business more profitable and more resilient
- Play with the complexity of the “system” where your company operates
- Create guiding questions for decision making in your business
- Choose appropriate tools to tackle challenges in your business
- Practice over time, analyze the impact, and adjust your plans as needed
Module 4: Embracing Your CoRe
- Identify your CoRe - who it does and does not include
- Understand how your CoRe affects and can energize your business
- Gain insights into handling naysayers and skeptics, and how to avoid greenwashing
- Effectively communicate your vision within and outside of your business
Module 5: Building a Reciprocal Culture
- Embed sustainability at every level of your business
- Foster collaboration and inclusivity in your company and CoRe relationships
Module 6: Sustainable Procurement
- Understand the interconnectedness of a regenerative supply network
- Analyze your supply network for alignment with your values
- Explore best practices and challenges in finding suitable procurement partners
Module 7: Becoming Resilient and Adaptive
- Develop strategies to adapt and demonstrate resilience in the face of change
- Integrate social and environmental impacts in decision making
- Align your values and vision with the actions you are taking
Module 8: Tying it All Together
- Put your regenerative plan into action beyond this course
- Measure your success and learn from failures - that’s part of the plan!
- Map the next steps in your regenerative journey
After completion of all 8 modules (videos, assignments, readings) we will issue you a Course Completion Certificate.
EarthWork Collective is immensely grateful to John Fullerton of the Capital Institute for his pioneering work on the regenerative principles; Stephen Vasconcellos and Niels de Fraguier for bringing us the formative text The Regenerative Enterprise; and Esha Chhabra for introducing us to so many amazing, regenerative companies in her book Working to Restore.